Receiving Parties

LRIT information is available to:

  • Contracting Governments are entitled to receive information about ships navigating within a distance up to 1,000 nautical miles off their coast, and
  • about ships that have indicated an intention to enter a port irrespective of distance.
  • Administrations are entitled to receive information about their flagged ships irrespective of where the ships are located.

The shipborne equipment is required to automatically transmit the LRIT information at 6-hour intervals to an LRIT Data Centre and also be capable of being remotely configured to transmit at variable intervals and be capable of responding to a polling command.

LRIT Data Centres are set up nationally or regionally by Governments and communicate through an International LRIT Data Exchange. Governments obtain LRIT data from the Data Centres by request providing that they are so entitled according to an LRIT Data Distribution Plan which is administered by the IMO.

Governments bear all the costs associated with LRIT and there are no charges to ships. LRIT information may also be made available for search and rescue purposes.

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