Safety Arrangement

In the event that pipes must be installed, welded joints must be used rather than flanges, threaded joints, or mechanical joints.


A monitoring system must be implemented to relay important information to the engine room. This includes the temperature within the battery room, the status of the ventilation system, and the status of the cooling system.


It is essential to maintain the battery room temperature between 15 to 25°C, keep the battery room door closed at all times, and install an alarm system or self-closing door to signal the opening of the door. To prevent damage from the lead acid battery, the adjacent steelworks and decks must be coated with acid-proof paint.


In terms of ventilation, an independent exhaust fan must be provided with the inlet duct located below the battery level and the outlet at the top of the compartment.


Precautions must be taken to prevent any heat sources from igniting. This includes prohibiting the use of open flames, smoking, and the placement of the Emergency Switchboard in the battery room. Only externally fitted or flameproof lights may be used, and the cables must be adequately sized and connected. Furthermore, an insulated spanner and plastic jug must be used for distilled water to prevent short circuits.

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